
What is Kinesiology?

The term kinesiology comes from the Greek words kinesis and logos and refers to the study of movement in the sense of an umbrella term like ‘medicine’. Kinesiology supports the body on an energetic level in its self-healing powers. Kinesiology began in the 1960s with George Goodheart (1918-2008), an American chiropractor who discovered the connection between muscles and meridians in his work. This led to the development of Touch for Health, the basic principle of every specific expression of kinesiological applications. As a holistic method, kinesiology has helped many people with various complaints in their lives over the past five decades.

Various methods for the development of potential

Since then, many different directions have developed, such as educational kinesiology, medical kinesiology, or Neuroenergetic® kinesiology, which is now 20 years old and based on current brain research results. Doctors use medical kinesiology as a diagnostic procedure by obtaining physical state information through a test muscle, allowing for differentiated statements about a disease. Furthermore, doctors can use kinesiological techniques to identify food intolerances or allergies. Other substances, such as medications, can also be tested to see if they are individually suitable for the respective patient. Neuroenergetic® kinesiology works with signatures, which are hand positions combined with acupuncture points that address brain areas. Muscle testing is used to identify any stress, which is then reduced through various correction techniques. In my experience, this kinesiological direction is relatively comprehensive and continues to develop into a holistic method.

Muscle test

Kinesiologists work with muscle testing, which is a biofeedback system that provides information on the extent of stress in the body, mind, and soul system. The muscle test was proven effective by Jensen in 2016 as part of a dissertation and is used to examine neuromuscular functionalities, particularly by kinesiologists, naturopaths, chiropractors, osteopaths, and physiotherapists.

The energetic influence on the organism

If the muscle test switches on, meaning it remains strong, there is no stress present. If it gives in, meaning it becomes weak, blockages become visible that are brought back into balance through various correction techniques. Therefore, my work is referred to as ‘balancing’ rather than ‘treating’.

About Bärbel

Since 2000, I have been working as a professional kinesiologist with a focus on the brain. My clients benefit from my many years of experience and the well-balanced repertoire of methods I offer. The results are calmness and serenity.

Appointment / Individual session

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